Thursday, September 4, 2014

30 Day Book Challenge Day 4

I know this is late but I had quite a bit of homework last night so lets get going-
So question 4 is basically talk about a movie that messed up a book. I think the most obvious choices are Eragon and the Percy Jackson movies (which the author, Rick Riordan refuses to watch because of how terrible they are.) I'm going to highlight the main problems with the PJO movie(s)
Movie 1- The Lightning Thief-
The movie starts off very eh and not bookish, with Poseidon rising from the water and then yelling/arguing with Zeus. The main problem with the beginning after that is that they A' are in high school when he should be 12 B. are talking about Shakespear and again, he is supposed to be 12. C. Little details such as how Ms.Dodds was teaching english instead of math.
The main problem overall is the fact that the actors are in their 20's and their supposed to be 12. A minimum 8 year age gap is ridiculous. This is important in the series because we are supposed to see Percy grow and mature while fighting a war, not fully developed and prancing around trying to find some stupid pearls.
Another point- the book plot-line is that he needs to go to Hades to convince him that he doesn't have the lightning bolt and the pearls are a minor factor in the books. In the movie however, the main plot is to try to find these pearls as they go to get his mom back. In the book, they got the pearls after they basically blew up the St. Louis Arc ( which i was looking forward to seeing that but no, they cut it out) and he falls into the river, where a nyiad ( I believe that is what they were called) gave them to Percy.
No where in the book did they go to Nashville. They also cut out the mattress store, which i thought was a good scene. Can we also talk about how it was the end of June, which is in summer when Persephone is supposed to be with her mom? Come on guys, this is basic mythology. They also cut out the battle with Ares in the end, which is pretty dang important especially when Ares cursed Percy's sword.
 The problem with the ending was that all the gods were there, not just Poseidon and Zeus.
I think you've heard enough about that, lets move on to the next problem-

Movie 2- The Sea of Monsters
The first movie already showed us that it wouldn't be a good series adaptation, but they tried harder in this movie, while also digging their own graves. The first movie was bad enough and by trying to pick up the pieces, they messed it up even more. ( though i will admit, I like Anthony Stewart Head more than the original Chiron (buffy fans in the house) he was a perfect Chiron).
Also, we got the great prophecy, not only three books/movies early, but it was wrong, starting with the age. In the book it is 16 but in the movie it was 20. Also they basically messed up even more basic mythology. They said that somehow Zeus, Hades, and Poseidon escaped from Kronos and then killed him, when in the real myth, only Zeus wasn't eaten because his mother, Rhea gave Kronos a rock to eat instead of his youngest son. Later on when Zeus was older, he made Kronos throw up his siblings, Hera, Poseidon, Hestia, Demeter and Hades ( and yes, Hades did marry his sisters daugther, but that family is pretty dysfunctional.) They fought him and won, sending him to Tartarus.
Now that Greek Mythology 101 by Abby is done, lets get back to the movie. The plot was messed up in more ways than I can count and the order of events from the series is extremely messed up. Anyway, I'm pretty tired and so I will wrap this up here. If you want me to make a separate post on just The Sea of Monsters, then I will.
Until next time, goodbye!

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