Saturday, August 23, 2014

The 30 Day Book Challenge

This was created by questions used with permissionYou can find this challenge under the reading challenges tab on her blogi am doing the 30 day book challengeI started this challenge on 08/23/14

Hello! This is my first book related post and i thought i would do a challenge to get started with my blog!

These questions are great for starting up because it is an every day challenge so you could get used to frequently posting through this. I will warn you, some posts will be made either late at night or through mobile, due to the start of school (that i am actually really excited for.) Thank you for being here and lets get on with the questions-

Day 1- A book series you wish had gone on longer OR a book series you wish would just end already
Day 2- Favorite side character
Day 3- The longest book you've read
Day 4- Book turned into a movie that was completely desecrated
Day 5- Your "comfort" book 
Day 6- Book you've read the most number of times
Day 7- A guilty pleasure book
Day 8- Most overrated book 
Day 9- Most underrated book
Day 10- a book you thought you wouldn't like but you ended up loving
Day 11- Favorite classic book
Day 12- A book you wanted to read for a long time but still haven't
Day 13- A book that disappointed you
Day 14- Book that made you cry
Day 15- A character who you can relate to the most
Day 16- Most thought provoking book
Day 17- Author i wish people would read more 
Day 18- A book you wish you could live in
Day 19- A favorite author 
Day 20- Favorite childhood book
Day 21- Book you tell people you've read, but you haven't ( or haven' actually finished)
Day 22- Least favorite plot device employed by way too many books you actually enjoy otherwise
Day 23- Best book you've read in the past 12 months
Day 24- Book you're most embarrassed to say you like/liked
Day 25- The most surprising plot twist or ending
Day 26- Book that makes you laugh out loud
Day 27- Book that has been on your "to read" list longest
Day 28- Favorite quote from a book
Day 29- A book you hated
Day 30- Book you couldn't put down

I have a feeling this is actually going to be really fun and a great way to start growing my post count.
If there is anything you want me to read/ post about please feel free to email me at
I hope you all are having a lovely day! Bye!

Note- as i post the answer posts
 to these questions I will (try)
 to go through and link them
 to the question

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